The Book of Judges 6-2 Title: The Source of Samson's Strength
Then Samson called to the Lord, saying, “O Lord God, remember me, I pray! Strengthen me, I pray, just this once, O God, that I may with one blow take vengeance on the Philistines for my two eyes!
If we live, we live for the Lord; and if we die, we die for the Lord. So, whether we live or die, we belong to the Lord.
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Well, we're at the end of the Book of Judges. We're going to talk about Samson. This story is very long because it's written in chapters 13 through 16. Many operas and paintings have used Samson as a subject, so there were many dramatic stories about him, weren't there?
Yes, that's right. we made a compact picture story show for the worship service, but if we read the Bible all through, we can find many episodes. So, let's praise and get started.
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At a time when the Israelites were suffering under the rule of another people, the Philistines, the angel appeared to the wife of a man named Manoah of the tribe of Dan. She was barren, but the angel told her that she would give birth to a son and that he would be the one to save Israel. And the child was born and named Samuel.
The angel said, "Do not drink wine or strong alcohol and do not eat any food forbidden by the Torah. Also, do not put a razor on the head of the unborn child. A Nazirite is a servant of God and a consecrated person from birth.” As Samson grew up, he became strong.
His parents tried to raise Samson like a Nazirite, but Samson was uninhibited and had been dating a hostile Philistine. He grieved his parents by telling them that he had fallen in love at first sight with one beautiful Philistine woman and wanted to marry her. However, they allowed him to marry her because of his earnest desire, but the marriage ended in bankruptcy when the bride cheated Samson with a "Riddell" that she had given him at the wedding reception.
Later, Samson fell in love with a woman named Delilah. She was given a bribe by the Philistines. She attempted to find out Samson's weakness. Samson finally told her his secret that cutting his hair would make him weak. Then, Samson was taken prisoner by the Philistine army.
Samson’s eyes were gouged out and he was forced to do hard labor. Then one day, he was taken out to the temple to show off his figure to a large audience and to be insulted. Samson returned to God and prayed to Him.
“ I am ready to die with these people. Sorry, I have disobeyed your teachings. Please give me one more chance. Give me strength again, so I can defeat the Philistines."
Samson’s hair was getting long again, and he had more strength.
Samson was blind, so he asked a young man to take him to a pillar to move it. Samson destroyed the building and died under the rubble with all the people who were there.
The number of Philistines who died was far greater than the number Samson had defeated when he was alive.
A Nazirite is a biblical figure who has made a special covenant with God, either by volunteering or by being appointed by God. In Numbers Chapter 6, the definition of a Nazirite is as follows
- You are forbidden to eat any products of the vine, dried (raisins), unripe, and skin, are enumerated.
- Do not cut your hair.
- Do not approach the dead. No exceptions exist, even if it is one's parents.
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Samson was given a special mission from God even before he was born. His parents had no children, but an angel appeared to his mother, and a miracle happened. I think that's wonderful, but on the other hand, I feel kind of sorry for Samson when I think of all the rules and pressures.
That's right. It is usual for people to feel the mission themselves, but in Samson's case, it was not. So maybe he wasn't fully aware of it. God gave 12 Judges each time to save Israel, and peace came, but the history of the Israelites was corrupt repeatedly. It happens in our time, too.
Maybe that's why Samson was so rebellious. I envy him for his great power, but I think he had bad luck with women. I feel bad that he was betrayed by the two women he loved.
In the end, Samson defeated the Philistines by taking revenge for the personal events that befell him, and he had 20 years of peace after 40 years of rule from the Philistine army.
Yes, that's right. We tend to go our own way, not fully grasping God's consideration for us. But in the end, I believe that God is always guiding us in the right direction, away from our inadequacies, weaknesses, and selfish choices. I want to walk in trust and reflection.
The final victory of Israel over the Philistines came after Israel became a monarchy, with King Saul and King David. Let's skip Ruth and get into Kings next.
Well then, Father, please pray for us.
Yes, let's pray.
Today, we have learned about the birth of Samson and the will of God. We have also witnessed the wonder of God's divine plan in the dramatic life of Samson, showing us that no matter how far we may stray, God never abandons us, and when we repent and seek His help, He enables us to fulfill our mission.
May we always seek His will so that we can make righteous decisions and actions every day.
I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen!