May 21, 2023: Family Worship Series (13)  :  "David and Goliath” 

Family Worship Series (13)  Title: David and Goliath



1 Samuel 17:45

David said to the Philistine, “You come against me with sword and spear and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the Lord Almighty, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied.



We talk about David, the second king of Israel. Will you tell me what you know about King David?


David was a famous king in the Old Testament, right? Kings usually come from their ancestors from generation to generation, but this David was a shepherd boy.


Yes. I am sure God had a special plan for Israel.


There is an expression about Jesus, "Son of David. In other words, Jesus is God's only begotten son, but in terms of blood relationship, he is a descendant of David.


That is correct. The genealogy in Matthew 1 shows that Jesus descended from David through His earthly father, Joseph.


David is famous as a great king, but he also made some terrible mistakes by taking the wife of one of his soldiers. David sent him off to a fierce battlefield to kill him.


Yes, it is a history of human sin. Now, let's praise and then watch the video.


Prelude: "All Things Bright And Beautiful"




Now, tell me your impressions.


The boy David had outstanding abilities. He was a shepherd and had a risk his life to protect the sheep from the beasts, but he was brave and strong like Superman.


His faith in God was strong. We should be brave like David even though we have many difficult things happen to us for example bullying.


Do you mean that bullying is a part of your school life?


Yes, I have all the time, but I don't mind.


Yoko is still a little girl, it is not a big deal, but it will get harder when you glow up. But as long as we have faith, we will be fine.

I believe that Justice will prevail!


Both of you are brave. How about you, James?


Well, I haven't felt much bullying, but I consider my study will get hard.


It seems that each of us has our own "Goliath" challenges. But let's ask God to give us courage and wisdom by trusting Him like the boy David. Now, shall we sing one more song?  I ask Dad to pray.


Yes, let us pray.

Heavenly Father, thank you for the opportunity to worship with our family today. We are faced with challenges like Goliath in our daily life. But, we trust you in God's love and almighty power. So we can overcome and get the victory and glorify the Lord.  Please watch over our children and support them. We pray in the name of our beloved Jesus, Amen.

Appreciation for your prayer

Pastor Megumi Ono has been on short-term medical leave for two weeks, refraining from delivering messages. Thank you very much for your prayers during this time. Please be assured that she is back to normal. However, with the increase in the number of patients at our clinic, the disaster prevention activities, and various medical and other consultations. I consider she has a little burdened with the task of composing weekly messages in English and Japanese and distributing them to our approximately 130 readers. We will continue to have weekly mustard seed chapel service, but we would like to start sending the messages to you every other week starting in June.
Thank you for your understanding. (Dr. Michio Ono)




