Old Testament Story 5-2 Title: The Fall of the Walls of Jericho
By faith the walls of Jericho fell, after the army had marched around them for seven days. By faith the prostitute Rahab, because she welcomed the spies, was not killed with those who were disobedient.
Prelude: "Because"
You can hear the Japanese voice recording as well.
Last time, we talked about the faith of Joshua and Caleb that Canaan would be given to them because God had promised it. Today, I will show you a picture-story show about how they conquered Canaan.
You can hear the Japanese voice recording as well.
After spending 40 years in the wilderness, the people finally prepared to go to Canaan with Joshua as their leader. However, they had the problem of whether they could cross the deep Jordan River.
The people were so afraid that it would be difficult to cross the river, but Joshua remembered God's miracle when Moses crossed the Red Sea. He put his feet in the river first. The waters of the river dried up and a path opened up. The priests led the way carrying the "ark of the covenant.” Then the people were able to cross the Jordan River.
To enter Canaan, they first had to conquer the city of Jericho, which had a large wall. Caleb and Joshua were troubled because they did not have a clue what to do. So, Joshua chose two spies to sneak into Jericho to see what the situation was in the city.
They visited a house where they had a view of the whole city of Jericho. There was a woman there named Rahab who helped them hide. They asked her to help them when the Israelites come. She hanged a red cloth at the window so that they would know it was Rahab's house. Thanks to Rahab, the two scouts were able to return safely. They then gave a detailed report to Joshua about how it was like inside the city wal
They now had an idea of the situation, but the big question was how they could break down that sturdy wall. Joshua thought about it but could not figure out a solution. At that time, God's messenger came and gave him the answer.
During the first 6 days, they marched quietly around Jericho, blowing only the horns. On the seventh and final day, they circled the walls seven times, and when they blew the horn and shouted, the walls collapsed.
Thus, the Israelites were able to conquer Canaan.
You can hear the Japanese voice recording as well.
Let's talk about your impressions from today's picture story.
It must have been very deep to cross the Jordan River, and I think there was a big possibility of being swept away and drown. Moses had experienced the parting of the Red Sea, so Joshua could believe that he could do it as well? I have experienced God’s help, but when something difficult happens, I worry again and sometimes doubt whether God will surely help me this time. But Joshua had no doubt and was brave.
Was Rahab a prostitute? According to Moses' Ten Commandments if she was a prostitute she was supposed to be stoned to death. Also, these two scouts were spies, so to speak, and I wonder if Rahab trusted these people right away.
When the Israelite army attacked Jericho, Rahab was saved as promised and she became an Israelite. The Bible says that she was indispensable to the birth of Jesus. In Matthew 1:5, Rahab married Salmon of Judah and gave birth to Boaz, who married Lutz and gave birth to Obadiah, who gave birth to Essai, who became the father of David, the famous king of Israel. And Jesus is a descendant of David. Rahab, a woman, is named in the genealogy of Jesus. God's plan is so great and deep that we often don't understand it. And while I'm on the subject, let's not forget to mention that some years are omitted from the genealogy of Jesus.
After successfully breaking through the walls of Jericho and entering Canaan, Joshua divided the land among the 12 tribes, each of which had its land. In Canaan, there have been many battles since then.
Joshua ordered the people not to plunder the Canaanites, but Akan had stolen and hidden spoils of war to offer to God. It is a wonderful thing to have success, but human beings cannot stop depravity.
Let's continue to learn how God will show His righteousness and mercy for the people of the Old Testament era. May I ask for your prayer, James?
Yes. I will.
Dear God, we learned that under the leadership of Joshua, Israelites attacked Canaan and won a great victory. Thank you again for knowing that you will always help us when we are stuck. However, it is also clear that humans eventually become corrupted. We also don’t always do things to please God. We are sorry for that. Please guide us so that we can obey God.
I pray in Jesus' name. Amen
Postlude: "Shout to the Lord"