The photo above is of the children in Ukraine.
Praise song: Click this button.
Bible Reading: Click this button.
In 14:1, Jesus said, "Do not let your hearts be troubled," and began to speak his mind to his disciples. In verse 6, He said, "I am the truth and the life…" again showing them that Jesus is the Son of God. In chapter 15, Jesus told them that with the help of the Holy Spirit, they can live a fruitful life that is pleasing to God. Chapter 16 is a continuation of that.
However, after verse 16:16, they knew that Jesus was about to leave, but they had no idea the timing or details of His return. Even though Jesus gave them words of comfort, the disciples were still uncertain about the future.
Jesus was well aware of their grief when they heard this story. Nevertheless, He wanted to let his disciples know, thinking that leaving such a message would encourage the disciples to prepare for the tribulation that would come their way.
Finally, in verse 33, Jesus told His disciples that His victory would bring them their victory. He told His disciples in advance that He was about to be arrested, abandoned, rejected, mocked, tortured, and executed.
Let me repeat. Because Jesus overcame the world, His disciples will also overcome the world. This declaration was the starting point to have peace in the Lord. And this is true not only for the disciples but also for us today.
When things are going well, we often feel in control and believe the results are of our effort. However, when suddenly something unexpected happens that derails our plan, we get upset.
As a Christian, have you ever been confused why God allowed a challenge to happen? As long as we live in this world, no one can be without problems.
Human beings have built a highly civilized society and overcome various inconveniences in our lives. However, we are destroying nature, severing ties with people, fulfilling their interests, and seeking only the satisfaction of our immediate desires. We have been waging wars for our benefit and greed.
Even though we have experienced the horror and misery of war many times, we continue to invade. There is no end to the history of human stupidity. The way Jesus Christ made peace was not political.
I believe that our peace comes not from the absence of conflicts and problems but from our trust that Jesus is alive and at work in our past, present, and future, watching over us with compassion.
The Holy Spirit is involved in our daily occurrences and gives us awareness and guidance. The secret of salvation and affluent life lies in Jesus Christ.
Postlude: Click this button.
Prayer for Ukraine from the Scottish Church
O, Lord God.
We ask you to hold the people of Ukraine embrace them in the depths of your heart.
We pray that you will protect our people from violence, from political games, and from being used and abused.
We pray that you will give Courage and wisdom to the nations of the world.
We pray for the courage and wisdom to stand up for justice.
We pray for the courage and wisdom to turn out in search of justice.
Give us the courage to be generous and bold in our care.
Lord, in your mercy
Take from all of us in your mercy the thought that we are oppressing and controlling others.
Take our thoughts away from us to put our own needs and desires first.
Teach us how to live according to Your example with love, dignity, reverence, and respect.
In Your name and according to Your will.