Old Testament Story 7-1 Title: The Prophet Samuel
Old Testament:
and she said to him, “Pardon me, my lord. As surely as you live, I am the woman who stood here beside you praying to the Lord. I prayed for this child, and the Lord has granted me what I asked of him. So now I give him to the Lord. For his whole life he will be given over to the Lord.” And he worshiped the Lord there.
New Testament:
give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.
You can listen to the Japanese voice recording here.
Shall we review what we learned from the Bible story so far?
The Israelites lived in slavery in Egypt, but they were able to escape through Moses and Alan to the Promised Land of Canaan. At Mount Sinai, Moses was given the Ten Commandments by God, but the people were not faithful and did idolatry, so the first generation (except for Joshua and Caleb) wandered in the wilderness for 40 years and died. The people of Israel finally entered the land of Canaan, but they failed to keep God's covenant. So, God provided 12 judges, but there was moral chaos. The people needed a king who was wise and faithful.
The book of Samuel is divided into two parts (upper and lower) and describes the events of 150 years from about 1120 BC. The period of the judges lasted about 300 years, and it was the transition from the time of the judges to the monarchy. The first half of the book describes the appearance of the prophet Samuel, King Saul, and King David. Today, we learn about the story of Samuel who was as born and received a call from God. Let’s sing a praising song and try a picture-story show.
You can listen to the Japanese voice recording here.
A man named Elkanah had two wives, Peninnah and Hannah. Peninnah had a child, but Hannah was infertile and could not have children, even though she was loved by her husband. Peninnah also tormented Hannah.
Hannah was so miserable and sad that she cried out to God in the temple. "Please give me a child. If you gave me a boy, I will let my son dedicate his life to God.
The priest Eli said to Hannah, who was pouring out her heart in prayer, "Go in peace. May the God of Israel grant you your request." Priest Eli gave Hannah confidence that her prayers had been heard by God, and her heart was at peace.
Eventually, Hannah gave birth to a boy and named him Samuel. The name means that God has heard me. Hannah took good care of Samuel and she took him to a priest and entrusted him as she promised to God.
Hannah continued to deliver handmade clothes for Samuel to the temple every year.
Time passed, and Samuel grew up as he worked hard to serve Priest Eli.
One night, Samuel was sleeping when he heard a voice saying, “Samuel!" He immediately went to Eli, but Eli said he did not call Samuel. Samuel went back to sleep. Then, he heard the voice again, "Samuel, Samuel.” That kind of thing happened again and again.
Eli knew it was God’s calling to Samuel and advised him when he heard the voice again, to tell God “ I listen to you, Lord. Please, speak to me.”
At that time, God told Samuel that Eli's sons had sinned and God would destroy them. Samuel was not comfortable speaking it to Eli.
However, Eli commanded Samuel to be honest and say what God had told Samuel. Samuel told Eli what God spoke to Samuel. Eli said, "It is the Lord. Please, let the Lord do what He thinks is good."
Samuel became aware of his mission as a prophet under Eli and Samuel was loved by people and God.
You can listen to the Japanese voice recording here.
Can you share your thoughts?
Hannah was a very righteous person.
She sent a very young Samuel to the priest Eli to serve him. I know she would’ve wanted to be with Samuel more. But she kept a promise to God.
Samuel became a Nazirite like Samson.
Samuel was happy because his mother made him clothes every year and went to see him. Besides, God gave her three boys and two girls so Hanna would not be lonely.
That's so true. Moses also had been raised by his real mother before he lived in the palace. God cares about us all the time, doesn't He?
Eli was a priest, but his sons did terrible things and did not fear God.
However, Eli wanted to let his sons take over the priesthood and turned a blind eye to their wrongdoings.
God's work does not depend on blood. Aaron's sons would have been corrupted so they were destroyed by God.
God deposed Eli and his children even though they were the direct line of Aaron and declared to set up a person of a completely different bloodline that is not from the tribe of Levi. It was Samuel, Hannah's son, that became a priest.
Some of the women in the Bible were barren but, they got the children because of God's plan. Their children grew to become important people. For example, Elisabeth is the mother of John the Baptist, and the mother of Samson, too. Sometimes God reveals that His work is done by blessing people who are going through painful experiences and sorrows.
Our lives are not always happy. What should we do in such situations?
I think it is asking God. It's the only way.
But how do we know that our wishes are the same as God's thoughts?
We might be wrong.
This is such an important discussion. By the way, how was Hannah's prayer?
She prayed fervently with tears in her eyes, didn't she? And in Hannah's case, the priest Eli declared, "Your wish will be granted.” It is easy to believe when a person who serves God makes a prophecy, but we don't know how to be sure because we can't hear God's voice nowadays.
Some people say, "This is a will of God!"
But, it seems to be too far for me.
Jesus prayed at Golgotha with sweating blood and shedding tears.
Jesus knew from the beginning that He came on earth to die for us.
But in the end, how could we follow his prayer? "Please do what you want, not what I want.”
Yes, that's right! I think we need to be honest with ourselves first when we pray. It means exposing ourselves before God. Hannah was the same way. She did not hesitate to say, "Please do this. This situation is unbearable. Please help me!” We should not be ashamed that we are weak.
Jesus knew all about the meaning of the cross in God's plan, but Jesus still suffered the same as us as flesh-and-blood human beings. That is why He knows our pain and sorrow. But we must never forget the way He prayed, "Not my thoughts, but Thy will be done." Even if we cannot feel or even if we cannot believe firmly, we should pray by saying it out loud. I recently watched a video by Sister Watanabe - Facing the Holes in Our Lives, which I hope you will watch later. Sophia, please pray for us.
Yes, I will. Dear God, we learned the story of Samuel at his birth. I was touched by his mother Hannah's prayer and her keeping the promise to God. We don't know what kind of plans God has for us, but please strengthen us to trust in Jesus no matter what difficulties we face.
We pray in Jesus's name. Amen.
Postlude: "What A Friend We Have In Jesus"